Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Fall Apart

Apparently, this device, makes you ride really fast. It monitors your heart rate, miles, and a bunch of other useless crap. It's just a fad like that intranet thingie. Big Worm has one, as well as Frog Legs. I hate them. Worm, in case anyone is wondering, is on a serious training regimen. He is riding nine days a week, and I hate him. Micro hasn't ridden since Reagan was falling asleep in the White House. He was on the ride last night, and even though I didn't see it, I think he had one, hidden some where. I was looking for a cyanide pill, when I heard Mirco joking and laughing on one of the bad climbs, so I hate him. All this started with Silk. He talked and blogged about it so much, he made everyone else want one, so I hate him.
I have been riding 10-14 hours a week and I am still slow, so if you are reading this I HATE YOU!
I will be on eBay if anyone needs me (that I don't hate).