Monday, February 23, 2009

Start A Fire

This is what happens when you don't agree with Worm's route! Slade just asked where we were going and well......the picture pretty much tells the story.


Juancho said...

Bikers are in rut-must be Spring.

Human Wrecking Ball said...

Well, I guess you will just beat up everyone till you get your way huh?
You need counseling.
Don't I get any credit for avoiding all the obvious homoerotic punchlines that go with this photo?

BIG JIM said...

It's like junior high school all over again.

BIGWORM said...

Whatever, Jim. Tell the truth. You tripped and fell, and I was trying to help you up.

bikechain said...

get some

Anonymous said...

Looks like Jim is about to hit him with a donkey punch, right after the swift kick to the pit.

Anonymous said...

You boys need to lay off the HGH.
