Saturday, October 24, 2009

You Turn The Screws

Nice ride today. Thirty five miles, twenty of which I was repeating the phrase "I hate Tyler" over and over like a character from a Stephen King novel. If you are unfortunate enough to be on a ride with him, that does not include technical single track, you will have to suffer the indignity of watching him ride away from you. Because he is a BASTARD!!!



Mark said...

Look how big Jim looks, Chris is all like wheres Waldo, and, of course, I look stupid.

bikechain said...

35 miles?

Human Wrecking Ball said...

Yes. Thats's like 20+15.

Spanish Mackerel said...

Now we know why Tyler is so strong...he rides through that soft mattress feeling green stuff they call "horse trail", ya know the stuff we all hate and try to avoid.