For some reason I thought I was a lot closer to the day I could ride again. As I filled in my calender, to keep track of the yards per week I am swimming, I noticed an abundance of weeks. I was off by about five weeks. I have thirteen more to go (before getting off the demon coumadin) and fourteen before I can ride.
I am gaining weight. About ten pounds since the meteor hit my medulla oblongata. I am riding the trainer. I am walking. I am doing these things nearly every night. My goal was to ride the trainer the same amount of time I am swimming (about five hours a week). The total would give me ten hours of vigorous work out. I also walk about eight hours a week with my wife and still the weight is packing on. It has been three months today since my "event" and I have three months, one week to go before I can ride.
For some reason I am not mentally beaten up anymore. Being pissed off and bitter is a tiresome enterprise (even for a career pro like me). So I guess I finally wore myself out, and moved forward with out realizing it. My friends and family have been holding me up, like a hipster in a mosh pit. It's kind of hard to be bummed, when you are surrounded by good people.
I had a great time time watching the cyclocross race this weekend. Nothing is more fun than yelling like a soccer hooligan, at guys running up stairs, carrying bicycles. It all felt like "Lord of the Flies" and it was damn therapeutic. The fun stopped at 5:00 a.m. this morning. The reset button takes no prisoners. I usually swim 2000 yards. I was about to quit at 1500 when I got to the wall, looked up and realized I was in lane #5. Like an echo from the angry mob and the cross race, I heard the voices yell:
"Rule #5! Harden the F#*+ UP!!!!!"
It is very hard to laugh and swim at the same time.
...lane #5.
it would be helpful to know the exact date. Could you do the math and give us a date certain?
I am supposed to be off the thinners end of Feb and able to ride by MARCH 1ST. Then they test me again, which may open up another can of weirdness. But for at least a month I will be able to ride.
Kent now you can plan your training accordingly.
I feel the pain. I got up this morning and even though I have been telling myself not to do this, I got on the scales. Sucks. I am thankful you can relate to gaining weight (although I wish you had never had to deal with this either). If I mention that I have gained weight to my obesse co-workers I get looks like I have some sort of mental illness.
My freedom date was pushed to January for reasons that I can not comprehend and refuse to understand. No mountain biking over the holidays and I guess Alafia will have to wait for me.
I am glad that you have found some mental peace.
Hang in there Jeff. We are gonna be riding soon!
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