I stole this pic from the Rev. Everything he needs for four days is on that bike. If you don't think that is cool, leave my blog and never come back. That is some
Kung Fu, ninja, Mad Max, Daniel Boone, coolness.
I have always thought that real men should be able to cook and camp, neither of which I know how to do. I gotta do something about that.
Rev, you dakine bra!
Veteran's Day weekend. The Cheaha Trip. We'll teach you how to camp. we'll teach you real good.
But yeah, that reverend, he's on my board of directors.
Sounds good. It's hard to think that far ahead theses days. All is well but I hate to get cocky.
Yep, November comes quick around here; bring somethin' for the gruel.
And he's doing it on a Salsa -- built for the job! Got to love it.
I just like the fact that it is a hard tail!! They rule!
Checked out the blog...
" Kung Fu.ninja.Mad Max. Daniel Boone.coolness." Definitely cool.
Welcome Herringbone, I cristen thee a BASTARD! It is the highest honor one can recieve from the Wrecking Ball. I know....you're welcome....just let it soak in.
Thanks. I've been called worse. Plus, I kind of like your style. I'll let it soak. Scott
Hey! I'm famous now.
Yes please don't let the fame alter your mainfesto!
It's a Fargo...he IS cool!
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